Friday, April 22, 2022

Can you train a pregnant client?


Well, to start this blog yes, the answer is yes Indeed, you can and you should encourage your clients to work-out, but you have to keep a lot of things in mind before you do so.

You must know their condition, you must keep a check with their doctor and if the client is allowed to work-out and does not have any complications then yes, you may.
Let’s get to how can we train our pregnant clients?

As a personal trainer you need to keep the mother and the baby’s safety in mind while making or working on their workout programs. Never initiate any high intensity workout modules for your pregnant clients always keep low to moderate intensity training which has benefits to both mother and the unborn baby.

And if you think there is yet to figure out more, then you can even enrol in courses that are tailored for pre-post-natal females. Which will not only teach you theory about the whole process but will make you understand the stages you have to create as a personal trainer or specialist to build their workouts.

Now what kind of workouts can you make them do, lets see a list to that:

  •          Strength training
  •          Running
  •          Pregnancy specific exercise classes
  •          Swimming and water aerobics
  •          Yoga
  •          Stretching
  •          Dancing

why Are daily supplements necessary?

 Supplementation and supplements have so many different stories for them, one thinks it is so bad for your health and another is just trying to get his/her health better with them. 

 The myths covering supplements are many but well most of them are not true.

Let us first understand what do we mean by ‘supplements’ itself right? Because then only we will be able to judge whether it is good or bad for us.
 Supplements are basically in form of food or requirement for our body which we do not get from our food is required to be taken for a healthy and functioning body.
 So while you are eating everything healthy, you still may lack something that your food is not giving you. There are certain supplements that we take for our body’s requirement because either our body does not make it or our food does not fulfil it.

We will take the simplest example for it i.e Vitamin — D
 Now vitamin D is something that most people lack now a days, because when are we actually in the sun to absorb it? And even if we are it is a wrong time to be in and we end getting tanned right?
 So if your body does not have sufficient vitamin D and you will also not provide it through the supplements your body will lag and you will end up with various diseases.

And hence supplements are important now whether it is a human being or an animal.

Read More. Are daily supplements necessary?

Thursday, April 21, 2022

How to lose weight naturally?

A lot of people say that they do not have time to work out, they cannot include walks because it is time taking or their routine is somewhat in a place where they do not have access to the gym at that time and these people rely on losing weight naturally. To be honest, there is no magic potion to make you lose weight overnight and if you are one of those people who are falling for Instagram reels that trend so much because they are making you lose weight then you may be wrong just right there and even after trying it you could not get results and rather you got demotivated and ended up gaining a few more pounds because it id frustrate you and you ended up eating more calories.

However, if one was to lose weight naturally, without thinking of the magic potion there are quite a few things that they can do:

  1. Go onto a calorie deficit

The first and most important rule to lose weight is that you have to cut your unnecessary calories down. Putting it in simpler words, if you are eating 2500 KCAL a day and your body only required 2000 KCAL a day you are consuming 500 KCAL extra which will only make you gain more weight. Now calories can be defined by how much workout you do, or much active you are, or any kind of lifestyle that you live. If you have less physical activity involved in your routine your KCAL will be different than the other. 
 So in simple words, if you want to lose weight do not consume that pizza for dinner rather munch on something lighter and count your calories to see the magic happen.

  1. Increase your physical activity

Because this will not only help you in losing weight it will also help you in a lot things like taking your stress off, relaxing your mind and even making you feel confident about yourself.

  1. Avoid sugary drinks and juices

When you are trying to lose weight, you should not be consuming sugary drinks at all because a. it is making you gain more weight b. you are just adding more calories to your diet. Even if you think what would an orange juice do its healthy, remember you are just consuming more calories in the name of juice and not fruit.

Read More How to lose weight naturally?

Which personal trainer certification is the most recognized?


When we search for schools, whether it is a parent searching for one or a teen taking the matter in their hand it certainly has one goal that is to find the best of all.
indeed, it is very much same with the personal trainer certification, because when we go out to search we do want the best to have the best results in the end. Because when we know we are going to spend money, time and our interest is to be shared with this particular certification we do want the best.

When we look for a certification we look for the blanks it fills, what kind of certification, what is the brand, how much name does this brand have and would we get a job with this brand.

While we live in the online world, where everything is digital we are prepared to go on a search role or rather a detective role to search everything in and out, we might read and re-read everything from the course details to terms and conditions for the same. Money being an important part for it, how much would it cost while some adjust with courses that are beginner level and does not cost much but there are some that go for the advance course right away. If we were to label level for certified personal trainer course it certainly falls to level 4. Below are some courses that are worth searching for and doing.







Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Why fitness is important in your life?


To state a basic benefit of focusing on fitness and wellness, it helps you to improve the quality of life by avoiding any illness or disease. It not only improves your physical health but also the mental health.

Fitness is indeed important for a longer and better health, as stated earlier it helps with mental health as well, but exercising helps you in keeping heart diseases, diabetes, blood pressure etc, at bey itself. And you might know people and celebrities who are dedicated to fitness whether it is yoga, Pilates or any other form of workout activity they certainly look younger and have less health issues thanks to their active lifestyle. When it comes to the stress factor as well fitness helps you in controlling your stress and can make you feel happier and less agitated.

If you have certain health issues like heart diseases, asthma, you should consult with your doctor regarding how to start your workout and then get a certified personal trainer on board to follow with the doctor regarding your workouts too, this way your workouts and health is monitored and you may expect some betterment.

Then make a plan to spend less time in front of the television and/or computer, and begin exercising more. Your doctor may suggest that you begin by doing little things first, such as parking in the farthest corner of your parking lot at work, taking the stairs rather than the elevator, taking your dog for a walk, or riding a stationary bike. Little by little, adding daily exercise will help you begin to feel better. Eating healthy foods is important for good health, too. Changing the kinds of food you eat means paying attention to what you eat and how much you eat. Depending on your location of employment, it may be nearly impossible to get healthy food from vending machines or in a cafeteria, so you will need to be smart and make a good food plan for yourself. It is important to eat a healthy breakfast; eat more fruits, vegetables, salads, whole-grain breads, and egg whites; and foods that are boiled or grilled — not fried. Ask your doctor, personal trainer or a dietician about starting a healthy, balanced diet.

Read More. Why fitness and wellness is important in your life?

Diet important for exercise?


Have we not heard about its 70% diet and 30% workout or the other way it is 30% diet and 70% workout well to be honest and to answer why diet is as important as exercise is simple, unless you are not providing your body with the right type of essentials, how do you expect from it to get you throughout the day or even months.

Let’s take it from the top, why diet is just as important as exercise?

Diet helps in losing or gaining weight while exercise provides benefits that help sustain your results. Hand in hand both exercise and diet can help reduce the diseases and help you in building muscle or losing weight and even helps in making mental health better.

When you think about what you are eating and you feel guilty it certainly makes you feel like it is as important as me not skipping my reps or sets right? So eventually if we were to be honest to ourselves it is a 50–50 ration that we need to follow both religiously in order to attain results.

While it may be easier to manage how many calories you consume, regular exercise helps preserve lean muscle and burn additional calories. Therefore, both diet and exercise are important for weight loss, and combining the two will optimize results.

Read More. Why diet is just as important as exercise?

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Nutrition Facts

When we say facts about nutrition, it does fall into a lot of categories like what is more nutritionally better, or what are the guidelines that are to be followed to get the best nutrition but in the blog we will focus on facts that we are not supposed to ignore about proper nutrition in our or our loved one’s life:

Fact 1:
Never ignore vitamin D deficiency
We all know how we get vitamin d from the sun but most of the times when we walk out we walk out with SPF creams and lotions which ends up blocking the vitamin d to our body and mostly people like to stay in shadows unless it’s crazy cold but when it’s crazy cold our skin does not get in contact with the sun, but do we know what would happen if we fall under low vitamin D deficiency category? You may feel weak, lethargic and even demotivated to move a finger because eventually your body will not have the right amount of energy to do anything, irrespective of what you eat or how much caffeine you jug deep down you will feel weakened. And to avoid all of that, you must keep you vitamin-d in check. Vitamin D is a crucial hormone in the body and many people are deficient in it. Reversing a deficiency can have powerful health benefits.
Fact 2:
The artificial trans fats, are actually very bad
Trans fats are basically formed as a side product, where when vegetable oils are hydrogenated. Yeah it’s that vegetable oil packet in your WAIWAI that you pour for taste.
The food producers regularly use hydrogenation to harden vegetable oils for use in products such as margarine and since trans fats have been linked with poor health, margarine free of trans fats is becoming increasingly common. Avoiding trans fats, is important for you if you want to live a healthy lifestyle and want to avoid diseases.
Fact 3:
Whether it is added preservatives or sugar, it is a warning for you to not consume it at all
The only reason that we find such things in our foods today is because the taste buds, want it all. Right? Would you drink a cup of coffee or tea without sugar if you have been fed with the same with sugar in it? No you would not because the taste buds just like it so much that we forget about our health and just try to keep up with our moods. But no, actually added sugars can be toxic and no we are not talking about a relationship which you can get out of.
To improve the taste of processed foods, producers often add sugar to them. This type of sugar is known as added sugar and the most common types of added sugar include table sugar (sucrose) and syrups, such as high-fructose corn syrup. So next time when you read the label of your favourite drink etc, make sure you give it a ready and avoid the one with these.
Fact 4:
Eating vegetables is actually healthy for you and your body
Your momma said it right, eating vegetables may not make you like popoye but it will help you in building a good immune system as well as keeping diseases at bay. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and an endless variety of trace nutrients that science has just begun to uncover, and the best part about them is with changing seasons they change so you are never stuck with one thing.

How do you fit with low impact


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Let us first understand what is a low impact workout/activity, When we talk about workouts we put them into different categories like Hight Intensity, Low Intensity, Moderate intensity and the category is based on the type of impact that the particular workout gives. And it all depends on how much of a rigorous workout you can sustain or even according to your health conditions what type of workout you are to perform.
If we were to focus on low-impact exercises lets first understand who it is for and whether it does help in getting you fit or not.
Low-intensity workouts are perfect for people who are coming back from injury, older people or if you're looking for an active way to recover on your day off. Low-intensity workouts are not useless, they actually have loads of beneficial effects of your fitness, strength and over health. So yes, low-intensity workouts are indeed beneficial and they can get you fit.
Let’s dive into what kind of low-intensity workouts can get you fit:
  1. Swimming
Swimming works the whole body. It's a great way to get a workout done. Swimming a few lengths involves most of the muscle groups, and you'll get a good aerobic workout if you increase the pace. Swimming can also help you lose weight if you swim at a steady and continuous pace throughout your session and if you don’t quit within a week.
Yoga can improve both your physical fitness and your general wellbeing through a series of postures and breathing exercises. Regular yoga practice helps develop strength, balance and flexibility. It can also lift your mood.
3.Aqua aerobics
Water aerobics is a low-impact activity. It requires a basic swimming ability as it's mostly done in water that's around waist high.

Everything You Need to Know About Fitness Training Certifications Courses?

  Certifications are short-term courses in any field to improve or add on skills to improve knowledge.  Fitness training certification  help...