Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Why diet is just as important as exercise?


Have we not heard about its 70% diet and 30% workout or the other way it is 30% diet and 70% workout well to be honest and to answer why diet is as important as exercise is simple, unless you are not providing your body with the right type of essentials, how do you expect from it to get you throughout the day or even months.

Let’s take it from the top, why diet is just as important as exercise?

Diet helps in losing or gaining weight while exercise provides benefits that help sustain your results. Hand in hand both exercise and diet can help reduce the diseases and help you in building muscle or losing weight and even helps in making mental health better.

When you think about what you are eating and you feel guilty it certainly makes you feel like it is as important as me not skipping my reps or sets right? So eventually if we were to be honest to ourselves it is a 50-50 ration that we need to follow both religiously in order to attain results.

While it may be easier to manage how many calories you consume, regular exercise helps preserve lean muscle and burn additional calories. Therefore, both diet and exercise are important for weight loss, and combining the two will optimize results.

A person can change one's body composition through diet alone without exercise. However it's the combination of both that provides a complete healthy package. Applying the 80% nutrition-to-20% fitness rule is simply a statement of the importance of nutrition in the equation. This distribution isn't scientifically proven. It is based on the fact that it is easier to consume calories versus burning calories i.e don’t eat what you can’t burn.
Read More Why diet is just as important as exercise?

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

What are 5 facts about nutrition

When we say facts about nutrition, it does fall into a lot of categories like what is more nutritionally better, or what are the guidelines that are to be followed to get the best nutrition but in the blog we will focus on facts that we are not supposed to ignore about proper nutrition in our or our loved one’s life:

Fact 1:

Never ignore vitamin D deficiency

We all know how we get vitamin d from the sun but most of the times when we walk out we walk out with SPF creams and lotions which ends up blocking the vitamin d to our body and mostly people like to stay in shadows unless it’s crazy cold but when it’s crazy cold our skin does not get in contact with the sun, but do we know what would happen if we fall under low vitamin D deficiency category? You may feel weak, lethargic and even demotivated to move a finger because eventually your body will not have the right amount of energy to do anything, irrespective of what you eat or how much caffeine you jug deep down you will feel weakened. And to avoid all of that, you must keep you vitamin-d in check. Vitamin D is a crucial hormone in the body and many people are deficient in it. Reversing a deficiency can have powerful health benefits.

Fact 2:

The artificial trans fats, are actually very bad

Trans fats are basically formed as a side product, where when vegetable oils are hydrogenated. Yeah it’s that vegetable oil packet in your WAIWAI that you pour for taste.

The food producers regularly use hydrogenation to harden vegetable oils for use in products such as margarine and since trans fats have been linked with poor health, margarine free of trans fats is becoming increasingly common. Avoiding trans fats, is important for you if you want to live a healthy lifestyle and want to avoid diseases.

Fact 3:

Whether it is added preservatives or sugar, it is a warning for you to not consume it at all

The only reason that we find such things in our foods today is because the taste buds, want it all. Right? Would you drink a cup of coffee or tea without sugar if you have been fed with the same with sugar in it? No you would not because the taste buds just like it so much that we forget about our health and just try to keep up with our moods. But no, actually added sugars can be toxic and no we are not talking about a relationship which you can get out of.

To improve the taste of processed foods, producers often add sugar to them. This type of sugar is known as added sugar and the most common types of added sugar include table sugar (sucrose) and syrups, such as high-fructose corn syrup. So next time when you read the label of your favourite drink etc, make sure you give it a ready and avoid the one with these.

Read more What are 5 facts about nutrition


How is movement a medicine


Movement is a medicine and this has been in trend since forever, you might as well see some fitness enthusiasts saying the sane, some gyms having slogans of it and even doctors telling you all about how movement is medicine.

Let’s just start with the facts now:

  1.       Whether it aerobic exercise or weight training it certainly improves the brain health and also thinking skills, on top t=of that it slows the age-related decline in memory.
  1.       Even for just 20-25 minutes you work out or perform any kind of exercise, this routine of exercise for even 20-25 minutes can act as an anti-inflammatory effect by stimulating our immune system.
  1.       Exercising regularly can boost your mental health and it can help with depression, anxiety and stress. A regular workout can work as a medication but what we do not say here it to drop off your medicines, because whatever your doctor tells you in the end is right. But yes, if we were to look at movement being medicine yes exercising does help you.

  1.       Exercising regularly helps you in staying fit and avoiding injuries, as you become more active and you understand your strengths it helps you in living an easier lifestyle with less pain and more to gain in the world.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Outdoor Exercise; The Benefits And Dangers


Outdoor Exercise; The Benefits And Dangers

Outdoor exercise is indeed beneficial and some people actually prefer doing outdoor workouts instead of going to gym or performing workout at home, now whether you call it running, cycling or even walking people do go outdoors to get fit or to stay in shape. However what we are discussing today is the benefits of outdoor exercises, so let’s start with it.

  1.        Cover me in sunshine, but not too much because I’ll faint

Well, not the song obviously but who can get over the loop of the specific song. Well, when you are training outdoors you get to enjoy the benefits of sun and absorb vitamin-d too, if that is early in the morning and obviously not in crouching heat where you might faint. So the basic first benefit would be you get to enjoy the sun and yet if it’s too hot you might as well get dehydrated and sick as a drawback.

  1.        Breathe in fresh air and adjust with pollution too

Yes, fresh air, hits on a different level right? So while you are working out outdoors you get to enjoy the breeze and the smell of freshness in the air and your surroundings, but that only gets limited because if you live in a pollution dense city where the air pollution is more than fresh air then it might turn you sick.

  1.         Different from your regular routine but might also come with risk of injuries

Isn’t it lovely you get into a different zone all together and you actually enjoy the change and it even motivates you to perform your outdoor workout, where you feel the urge of trying something new or even trying some exercise that you might have seen on your Instagram recently or which you saved right?

Read more:-"Outdoor Exercise; The Benefits And Dangers"

Is Online personal training effective?


Is Online personal training effective

The question that has been stopping people from getting fit is this, Is online personal training effective? The first question they should be asking themselves is that are they serious about it? Because if you will not move with a goal then whether you are going to the gym or taking training online it will not help you. But to answer the question, yes indeed it is effective.

How? You must be wondering with all the draw backs in your head but eventually after this blog you might as well just hire an online personal trainer.

  1.       It firstly gives you flexibility to get the greatest trainer for xyz location

Firstly, lets understand the flexibility of having an online personal trainer is amazing. Reason being, you need not worry about the trainer dropping in later, or cancelling the session, or even worry about the state that he or she is in. Well there are actually people who might have moved to different countries however they continue to train with the same trainer through online platforms, because it does not only help them knowing that they are in right hands but it also keeps their confidence towards their fitness goals. So yes indeed, online personal training is effective.

  1.       It motivates you because you have to be on schedule no matter what

When you know you have a session with your trainer in the gym, you might use traffic or other occasions as an excuse but eventually when you have your trainer online, it does not matter where you are, you can get your workout done, without excuses hence you end up getting fitter no matter what.

       It allows you to be comfortable in your own space while you get fitter

A lot of people are shy when they step out of their comfort zone and gym could be one of those places, whether you are too skinny or too thick it does not matter some people just don’t have that confidence to just go and hit the gym and here the online sessions with personal trainers does not only help them in getting fitter but it also helps in getting their confidence to step into a gym if required tomorrow.

Read more:- Is Online personal training effective?

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Is HIIT good for fat loss?

Is HIIT good for fat loss?

 HIIT the hit topic of all of time, and is being loved and appreciated by many already. People have shown great results with this type of workout and they continue to keep adding it onto their routines.

So first let us understand what exactly is HIIT?

High Intensity Interval Training

HIIT is an extreme type of workout program that builds endurance, strength and helps shed weight more quickly.

Does it not already sound like the best of all worlds right? Building endurance, gaining strength and losing weight too all together with just one type of workout?

 Most of the HIIT workouts are completed within the range of 10 to 30 minutes, which is less time than you need for a full cardio conditioning or strength training session. A HIIT workout consists of intervals of intense bursts of energy followed by little to no rest, because that heart rate is still up and that eventually helps you in losing more weight quickly.

HIIT is an amazing  workout program to lose weight in less time but with more efforts. Most of the people may burn the same number of calories in a 20-minute HIIT workout than they can in performing constant cardio or strength training for at least 45 minutes. HIIT also increases lung capacity and blood flow within the body, hence making your heart healthier.

So yes, when we look at HIIT it is a great way of losing weight and building strength at the same time. Eventually you do have to keep your diet in mind, only if you are eating right and following the calorie deficit routine you will win, but if you think eating 2 large pizza’s a week and consuming a lot of sugar may do nothing to disturb your efforts then you might be wrong there.

Read More Is HIIT good for fat loss

Best supplements to take for overall health


We all know when it comes to supplements, some do not take it because of the myths, about how bad they are for you and then there are some who end up taking it but after a doctors tells them to. So in the beginning of this blog, let us make it clear that supplements are a way of taking what your body is not getting properly or cannot make. Now whether it is protein or fish oils (omega-3) it is needed to your body then you have to give it.

Let’s talk about the mains:

1. Multivitamin

A good quality multivitamin is one of the most important supplements for overall health.

Because irrespective of your routine or diet, you may be missing on major vitamins let us take vitamin-d for example, some people may not get it at all and some people may avoid it unintentionally like walking out in the sun with sunblock cream or staying in the sun with full clothes on not allowing skin to get in contact with the sun rays and eventually you do not get enough of it, and vitamin-d is just an example there are so many vitamins that people lack in their diet hence multivitamins are the game on.

2. Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements provide the body with essential omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for regulating inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial to our health for countless reasons, and they can only be obtained through diet and supplementation. Adequate omega-3 levels are necessary for proper cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, and musculoskeletal health. They have been shown to regulate blood pressure, maintain healthy body weight, regulate immune function, support a positive mood, and promote muscle and joint health. You may consume fish in your diet and then there are people who are vegetarians and this deficiency arises, hence this supplement is needed.

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is another one of the most important supplements for optimal health because it is required for more than 600 enzyme reactions in the body. People who are most at risk of magnesium deficiency include those who consume diets high in processed foods, have blood sugar abnormalities or diabetes, drink large amounts of alcohol, take diuretics or proton pump inhibitors, have gastrointestinal conditions, have been on long-term antibiotics, or suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Low magnesium levels can lead to issues with vitamin D metabolism, weakening of the bones, heartbeat irregularities and irregular blood pressure, blood sugar issues, irritability and anxiety, muscle cramps and twitches, and fatigue.

4. Vitamin D

As mentioned above the body naturally produces vitamin D through sun exposure, the sun is often not strong enough to meet the body’s needs. There are many factors that limit the body’s ability to convert sunlight to vitamin D, including limited sun exposure during winter months, older age, darker skin pigmentation, and use of sunscreen and clothes that shade the skin from the sun. Vitamin D is necessary for maintaining proper bone integrity, proper neuromuscular function, normal inflammatory response, muscle strength, proper calcium absorption, healthy immune response, and normal blood pressure.

Read More Best supplements to take for overall health

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Steps to becoming a personal trainer


The first thing that comes to your mind when you think about how to become a personal trainer is whether it is a career to choose or even a career at all?

Right? We all thought of it the first time someone ever said oh fitness is a career and you can follow your passion to earn money. As kids we all fantasied about making your passion your paycheck and for some people it actually came true. Hence this blog is for you or for someone you know how wants to become a fitness profession or a personal trainer.

Without knowledge there is no scope of being a professional, you are only called a professional when you have the right knowledge about the field that you are in, it is as same as doing your schooling or college. Steps to becoming a personal trainer starts with certifications, where you not only learn the right way of training people because apart from practical’s your theory should be clear too. You should know about human anatomy, about muscle imbalance and about a part of psychology, where you can understand client’s behavior. Because it’s not just training sometimes, it is about lack of motivation too. And the topics will not end once you get into the theory part.

There are national and international certifications available as steps of becoming a personal trainer, depending on your goal in future which certification you want to pursue.

First step:
As explained above steps to becoming a personal trainer involves an importance of certification, so your first step will include of searching for the right kind of certification for you.
Now the certification depends on your sole knowledge, there are levels of certifications and that is decided by your current knowledge. Obviously if you are someone who is aware of exercises and certain routines it might be easy for you to pick up level 4 certification of personal trainer but when it comes to not knowing anything you might as well start with level 3 and get your basics cleared to move forward.

Second step:

Secondly you will have to look for authentic academy, school, institute to pursue your certification from. Now unless you do a valid certification with valid exams and certificate it is all a waste. Because just like other places in fitness industry, certifications matter and the name of certifications do too. You should look for authentic education partners, accreditations, skilling partners and so on.

Read More. Steps to becoming a personal trainer

How to your eating habits affect your skin


There is a lot of talk about you shouldn’t be putting it on your face instead you should be eating it for a better skin, is out there and in this blog, we will certainly put light on that.

Obviously before we begin let’s talk about some myths which is very necessary for example: drinking tea/chai will make your complexion darker. We get the laugh and idea in your mind but here is why it is a myth: honestly, they do not have an effect on your skin tone, however on your weight or body it could be bothersome if you tend to take a lot of sugar and drink tea empty stomach, we all know the acidity stories right? Moving forward with how dieting can affect your skin or how does eating habits affect your skin or even how does diet affect acne. These are some major points we will be throwing some light on while keeping in mind that this blog is not a medical advice.

We all know the benefits of vitamin-c serum and how big of a market this has become right? But did you ever think what would happen to your skin if you focused on eating the vitamin-c instead of putting it on your face? The results could be better? May be, let’s see:

  1.        It is antioxidant.

And when we say antioxidant, we certainly know it is amazing for us right? Vitamin-c helps in reducing or avoiding the signs of aging because it plays an important role in our body’s natural collagen synthesis, since it is a water-based vitamin is certainly helps in repairing and preventing dry skin. It also heals damaged skin and obviously we know how vitamin-c serums are being sold under the ‘reduces blemishes and wrinkles.’ Eating it will do the same to you.

How dieting can affect your skin, is a question some of us just assume. oh, this person is on diet that is why his/her skin is dull or his/her skin is shining. Let’s first understand what dieting actually means, a balanced diet or a healthy diet with a healthy lifestyle is what you need in life, not stopping yourself from being able to enjoy seasonal fruits unless there is an allergy or medical issue aligned.
Eating healthy keeps your body good from inside and once it is doing great inside it is great on the outside as well. And hence dieting can affect your skin, where you take balance diet, eat right and stay active.

Read More How to your eating habits affect your skin

Everything You Need to Know About Fitness Training Certifications Courses?

  Certifications are short-term courses in any field to improve or add on skills to improve knowledge.  Fitness training certification  help...