Monday, January 24, 2022

How to stay fit and healthy when injured

 How to stay fit is a question we often ask ourselves then and now, if we are trying a method to do it, whether is going to gym 5 days a week, or even going for a walk now and then, but when injured it is another story.

As a professional athlete it does get frustrating when injured, It is what you do and it is what defines you, For a runner it is impossible to lay low and give up running for a few days or months of recovery and it is same for any other athlete. What do they do? How do they stay fit and healthy when they stumble upon the injuries?

Whether an athlete or not, the protocol falls same for how to stay fit and healthy when injured. Keeping your mind sane when you are injured is the biggest task to achieve right?
So for starters, meditation is your best friend. The calmer your mind stays, the better you will think for your body and recover faster.

Going on to the steps of how to stay fit and healthy when injures:

Step 1: Using your time off because of your injury the best way possible

It is a pain when it comes to missing your training or your sessions, but healing is your priority right now. When you have this time off use it for other things that you have been putting off of your table. You are at rest, right? You wanted to watch that movie, go ahead do that, you wanted to write your diary do that, you wanted to catch up with someone, have dinners, lunches at home. Obviously while resting and not hampering your injury any further. It is very necessary for us as humans to take a day or two off and when you are getting it, just utilize it for your best, it may not be the best thing to be happy about but at least you have got days off.

Read more- How to stay fit and healthy when injured

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