Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Best nutrition certification for fitness professional in 2022


Thanks to covid we have transitioned from offline to online completely, learning is not a thing that has any barrier now since everything is digital and available online including the best nutrition certification for fitness professional


At Classic Fitness Academy we offer Essentials of Weight Management and Supplementation course i.e EWMS which is indeed the best nutrition certification you can attain.
Summing up reasons for you:
1. When we talk about diet and nutrition and even a nutrition certification for fitness or nutrition certification for fitness professional in 2022, a nutrition professional must be aware of all trends and a to z about diet and supplements.
2. When you read thoroughly about diet, menu planning and supplements it does not only qualify you to be the best in your field but also makes sure that you are well aware of over all nutrition, which in the end helps you a lot in helping your clients.

3. With Essentials of weight management and supplements nutrition certification for fitness by classic fitness academy, you not only learn about minerals, fats, carbohydrates or menu planning but you also learn in details about what supplements are and who can use them if they are needed in a diet or not.
4. Supplements play a very big role in a diet, as with the environment we live in a world where our food requirements aren’t met and we end up with deficiencies in our body for instance vitamin D lacks in most of people.

5. You learn about how supplements and whole foods go hand in hand, and not about how supplements replaces foods in this nutrition certification for fitness.

6. Since classic fitness academy is an ACE(American Council on Exercise) Education Partner it provides you with the best nutrition certification for fitness professional in 2022
With 2 certificates in one course, EWMS and Nutrition Specialist by ACE
It is a win-win for anyone who enrols in this course because you not only get certified from one leading fitness academy but two.

7. Last but not the least, with all the certification and knowledge about nutrition you also get 2.1 CEC’s which is a very important thing for an ACE Certified Personal Trainer.
8. What you will learn:

Detailed information is provided on macro and micronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins etc. Supplementations, their intake timings and side effects, Energy metabolism and weight management, popular weight loss diets their pros and cons and How to gather data related to diet and plan diets for the people.

NASM’s Certified Nutrition Coach is yet another example of best nutrition certification for fitness professional in 2022.
Benefits from NASM:

Explain fact vs. fiction when it comes to the science behind popular diets

Explore nutrition hot topics such as artificial sweeteners, GMOs, organic, grass-fed, gluten-free, and detoxes

Master foundational nutrition science principles, including metabolism, macronutrients, micronutrients, hydration, alcohol, and nutrient timing

Expand your clientele by adding a new discipline to your training resume

Create individualized nutrition coaching strategies according to your client’s food preferences, culture, and training demands

Help clients navigate real-world scenarios like reading food labels and understanding portion sizes to maximize healthy eating patterns

Read More-Best nutrition certification for fitness professional in 2022

Monday, January 24, 2022

How fitness helps with mental health


Mental health has become an important subject amongst people now a days, Everyone is being aware and even spreading awareness about mental well-being. Mental health was a topic people were often afraid to touch and even now the acceptance rate falls somewhere between 40%, even if people are trying and catching up to it, accepting that going to a psychologist and psychiatrist usually doesn’t mean that you are crazy. However as much as the talk of mental health is going on a hand in hand trend is following it with fitness.
How fitness helps with mental health really? I mean we could ask experts and they would say find a way to get fit that not only makes you fitter but also you enjoying the process is important.
For example:  A person who loves to dance, goes to dance classes and uses those dance classes as a medium of staying fit while the person also works on the mental health part

Let us dive deeper in how fitness helps with mental health:

  1.       Let us start with the basic: The feeling good hormone

When we exercise, lift weights, perform cardio, attend a Zumba class, as a matter of fact any kind of workout we perform our body releases chemicals called ENDORPHINS, Yes, that you heard it right also, it is so much similar to morphine because the endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain and also trigger a positive feeling in the body that eventually helps you feel better and happier.

  1.       Its exercise vs. depression/anxiety/stress etc

How you may be wondering right? Studies have definitely shown that exercising may treat. Mild to moderate depression that too side effect free because you are not taking any chemical into your body rather trying to heal it naturally. Exercise may be a powerful depression/anxiety/stress fighter for many reasons because it promotes all kinds of positive changes in the brain like neural growth, decreased inflammation and we all have heard of the fact when you work out your brain gets sharper so it certainly helps with the memory part too. We often look for distractions when under the mental stress or to better our mental health exercising also works as a distraction which gives you a break from your negative thoughts cycle.

Read More-How fitness helps with mental health| Classic Fitness Group

How to stay fit and healthy when injured

 How to stay fit is a question we often ask ourselves then and now, if we are trying a method to do it, whether is going to gym 5 days a week, or even going for a walk now and then, but when injured it is another story.

As a professional athlete it does get frustrating when injured, It is what you do and it is what defines you, For a runner it is impossible to lay low and give up running for a few days or months of recovery and it is same for any other athlete. What do they do? How do they stay fit and healthy when they stumble upon the injuries?

Whether an athlete or not, the protocol falls same for how to stay fit and healthy when injured. Keeping your mind sane when you are injured is the biggest task to achieve right?
So for starters, meditation is your best friend. The calmer your mind stays, the better you will think for your body and recover faster.

Going on to the steps of how to stay fit and healthy when injures:

Step 1: Using your time off because of your injury the best way possible

It is a pain when it comes to missing your training or your sessions, but healing is your priority right now. When you have this time off use it for other things that you have been putting off of your table. You are at rest, right? You wanted to watch that movie, go ahead do that, you wanted to write your diary do that, you wanted to catch up with someone, have dinners, lunches at home. Obviously while resting and not hampering your injury any further. It is very necessary for us as humans to take a day or two off and when you are getting it, just utilize it for your best, it may not be the best thing to be happy about but at least you have got days off.

Read more- How to stay fit and healthy when injured

Way to stay healthy in winter season


Winter season definitely has a lot of names to it, you call it a wedding season, a festive season or even a holiday season and for some it is the time to get sick season.
Ways to stay healthy in winter season could be so many, because we have to focus on everything from our skin, to our gut to our hydration because the lazy season does make it a little difficult for us to move but here is how you can stay healthy in winter season.

1. Let’s focus on the most important part which everyone tends to neglect in winters, that is DRINKING ENOUGH WATER. Yes, that’s right, we keep thinking about how to stay healthy in winter season but for starters we only forget the most essential part of staying fit at all and that is drinking enough water to stay hydrated. Fun Fact: If you keep yourself hydrated enough during the winters, you will feel less cold. Right? That sounds weird but is effective and true, when you try it let us know in the comments below!
Winters cause chapped lips, dried skin and everything a nightmare we can imagine but the strongest pursuit to happiness of staying away from all of the above is drinking sufficient water and not neglecting your water intake. The hydrated you are, the more you’ll grow and less chapped lips, who honestly doesn’t want a glowing skin in the winters.

2. Don’t avoid seasonal fruits at all

There is a reason they are seasons, they come with their own benefits and to be honest the more the fibre you take the better it is for you in winters. Because our body craves comfort food because of the cold and most of our comfort food is full carbohydrates and hence that could lead to serious weight gain if you are not moving at all. So the easiest way to stay healthy during winters is to enjoy all seasons fruits while you crave sugars and everything carbohydrate-ry to stay in shape and not gaining a single inch, we all know carbs are very important for your body so no we aren’t saying quit it, but we are saying limit it and enjoy the seasons blessing of mother nature. 

3. Getting out of the house, whether it is sunny or not

Getting out of the house seems like a task because it is so cold that you would barely wanna move but getting in physical activity or having a set goal for about some thousands of steps can really help you in staying healthy in the winter season. Take your dog for a walk, go out to breathe fresh air, chose your own path but you have to move.

 Red More- Way to stay healthy in winter season

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Career and Job in the Indian Fitness Industry


Why youth has been choosing fitness as a career? What they must do if they decide to launch a career in here? This article gives an overview of careers and job opportunities in Indian Fitness industry.

In today's time, along with being fit, people join gym to enhance their look and develop an impactful personality. People are trying to inculcate healthy habits to avoid falling ill again and again, boost their immunity against viruses and increase their stamina to perform well and deliver on work front as well as spend active quality time at home with family. The demand of their specific health goals has created a huge space for fitness as a career.

Fitness industry has fast-emerging career options not only in India but all over the world. Ever since the corona disease has come, the fitness industry has suffered a lot. But one thing is sure that gyms are here to stay, viruses might come and go. People’s interest in healthy lifestyle has increased by leaps and bounds and more of them are keen to go to gym. Hence the demand for fitness trainers and coaches is increasing rapidly. Different fitness trainers cater to different types of fitness techniques and some of them specialize in all of them. They can guide you according to your medical condition, you body type and your fitness goals. Fitness trainers who are rehabilitation experts, are even helping chronic patients recover from their illnesses and can deliver what doctors alone cannot do for the patients.

How to become a trainer?

There are many people who want to make fitness their career but due to lack of the right information, they do not understand what they have to do, how their career shall start, how to upgrade their qualifications, etc. Some people even get misguided or get trapped in fraud shortcuts.  

Today we will tell you to know what you must do to land a career in the fitness industry and how you will be able to understand things easily and focus well on your career.

1. First of all you have to decide your niche about what kind of trainer you wish to become

 2. After that you have to learn according to your niche, how training is done and how different people are trained. You have to do diploma for that or there are authentic fitness academies like Class Fitness Academy where they provide certifications.

3. After taking training, you have to learn how to handle clients, how to connect to them and work on their fitness case-histories

4. The first step is to learn by yourself, experience on the basis of training specific clients and then move on to work for fitness organizations

Types of trainers

1. Sports and athletic trainer

2. Trainer for competitive bodybuilders

3. Weight loss and weight maintenance trainer

4. Physical recovery and rehabilitation trainer

5. Personal trainer

Read more...Career and Job in the Indian Fitness Industry

Chest Workout at Home with Dumbbells


This article enlists some of the most power-packed exercises to pump up your chest muscles.

If you're starting workout and want to build those stunning muscles then you must have a dumbbell. A dumbbell is one of the most basic fitness equipment that everyone must have, with just a pair of dumbbells one can perform several exercises at home. Everyone wants that chiseled chest and all you need for that is 30 minutes in a day and a set of dumbbells and you are good to go.

These are few exercises which you can do in 30 minutes with the help of a dumbbell to build your chest and upper body. Don’t rule out good nutrition and other exercises out of your schedule. Just include these to pack up more chest muscles.

Dumbbell bench press: This variation of traditional barbell bench press gives you variation and stabilizers your shoulder while giving the same benefits to the chest. All you need to do is lie on the bench with your face up and hold the dumbbells in your hand, bring the dumbbells straight up over your chest pause there for a second and then lower the dumbbells together and that's one rep. You can repeat this exercise 10 reps at the time to get the benefits.

One-arm one-leg dumbbell row: This exercise includes your whole body but mainly targets the lats and chest and also stretches your hamstrings. It also provides great balance to your body. To do this, hold onto a surface with one hand, stand on one leg slide a little by dropping your chest and then lifting the leg opposite your free hand. Hold the dumbbell in your free hand pull it to the side of a waist and then lower it, and your one rep is done. You can repeat it for 10 reps to get the maximum benefits.

Dumbbell chest fly: It targets your shoulder and biceps. To do this lie down on a bench with your face up, hold the dumbbell with the pair of your hands over your chest facing each other and your elbow slightly bent, keep the arms almost separate bring the dumbbells down to the side and you will feel a little stretch in your chest and hand. Bringing the dumbbells down your palm should be facing the roof. Do the same step in reverse and a rep is done. Repeat the exercise for about 10 reps.

Incline dumbbell bench press: This variation of bench press targets your upper chest and also works on the front shoulder. To do this you will need to lie down on a bench with your face up at a 45-degree angle, hold dumbbells at the outside off your shoulder, lift dumbbells up over your chest then lower the dumbbells touching the shoulder from outside, then push them back in front of a chest. Do this daily to get the benefits.

Bridge floor- It involves pecs, glutes and hamstrings. Lie down on a mat on the floor. Bend down and make a bridge position. Place the dumbbells over your chest, palms facing each other press your feet on the floor to squeeze your glutes Lower your hips and dumbbells simultaneously, pause for a second at the bottom, and then go back up making the bridge position. Do 10 reps a day to get the benefits.

One-arm offset dumbbell bench press: This variation of dumbbell bench press focuses on stabilizing your shoulder while also giving the same benefits to your chest. Lie down on a bench face up place your left shoulder blade and you left glute on the bench and right blue and right shoulder blade off the bench. Place your left hand above your head, hold dumbbell in your right hand and lower the dumbbells until your elbow is aligned with your shoulder, reverse back the position, continue this for 10 reps and alternate the sides.

One-arm dumbbell hang snatch: This includes your entire body and mostly your chest and hips. It is also advised to start with the lightweight until you are comfortable with the exercise. Stand straight with your feet apart exactly to your shoulder length, keep your back flat, chest up and push your hips back. Hold the dumbbells right in front of you, lower down the dumbbells between your knees in one motion extend your hips quickly and put the dumbbells straight up when the dumbbells at the maximum height, bring your body under bend and get it over your head, and then lower it back again to the starting position. Do this, 10 reps at a time.

Above-mentioned exercises will help you build strong chest and body in just 30 minutes with the comfort of your home and just one pair of dumbbells.

How much do Fitness Trainers Earn in India

 There is nothing more rewarding than making your passion, your medium to earn a living too. What more you can even excel at it while enjoying the process! This article talks about the earning potential of fitness as a means to earn.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Shoulder Workout Routine for Bigger Gains


There’s a lot on those shoulders – without strong shoulders, you cannot imagine good biceps, triceps or chiseled chest. This article enlists some of the very effective workouts for your shoulders. Don’t miss them out in your routine!

 While building muscles many people forget about the shoulder and only focus on chest, but well-built shoulders can give you an appearance of slimmer waist and gives your whole body a more macho and desired look. You also need to work on your shoulder because without strong shoulders you will not be able to do other exercises that targets chest and back. All said and done, let's see some amazing exercises for shoulders that will give you a stronger and more impactful structure to your body.

 Before going about these exercises, make sure to warm-up your muscles properly. A few shoulder stretches and rotations, followed up with a few mobility exercises can do these jobs. It is imperative to connect your mind to your muscle before starting up a routine.

 Overhead press: Place the dumbbells in front of your shoulder while holding it in your hands. Stand tall, place bar directly over your head with the help of your core and the lower back, bring your hands down slowly and this completes one rep. You can do 3 sets of 12 reps each with the rest of 10 seconds between them.


Push press: Place the barbell in front of your shoulder by holding it in your hands. You need to give the Push and move the bar over your head then lower it slowly. You can do 3 sets of 12 reps each with the rest of 10 seconds between them.

 Barbelll shrug: Place the bars on thigh high level keeping your arms straight up so that your shoulders and your ears are aligned, hold this position for few seconds then lower it back. Do it in 3 sets of 12 reps with the rest of 20 seconds between them.

 Seated Arnold press: Sit on a chair holding a dumbbell in each of your hand with the palms facing you, push them over your head and rotate your hand, repeat as you do the motion bring your hands back slowly to the starting position. You can do three sets of 12 reps each with 10 second rest.

Seated lateral raise: Same as the exercise before sit on a seat, take the dumbbells in your hand, lean forward slightly, raise a dumbbells to your shoulder height, pause at the top for 5 seconds and then slowly lower them back again. Do this exercise in 3 sets of 12 reps each with the 10 second rest in between.

Bent over reverse fly: Stand straight with the dumbbells in your hand, bend forward with your shoulders in the front, raise the weights to the shoulder height, pause and then lower them back again. Do this in 3 sets with 12 reps each with 10 second break in between

These exercises are simple and very effective for your shoulder. All you need is a set of dumbbells and you are all set. If you persistently do these exercises, you will see the desired results over time. 

Top Ten Fitness Trends in 2022


According to the American College of Sports Medicine 15th Annual Worldwide survey to determine the most popular industry trends as reported by over 4300 health and fitness professionals; According to media research conducted by bodyandstrength.com, a South Asian fitness media house, this article enlists top fitness trends in 2022.


With the surge in Covid variants across the world, the health and fitness consciousness shall take the front seat in people’s lives. The focus will more be on overall immunity, stamina, strength and family health instead of individual goals. However, we cannot rule out health goals which directly influence your immune system like fighting off obesity, diabetes and other lifestyle related diseases.

 Fitness is not about trends, it is for times immemorial from times immemorial to lead a wholesome life which is rewarding and helpful in making you realize all your potentials in whatever field you contribute in. This article is more about what ‘new’ will rise in this industry and what newly acquired is here to stay. So, let’s have a look.


  1.        Home Exercise Gyms

Home gyms will continue to be popular alternative to going to the gym as a consequence of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Since people will continue to isolate themselves by staying at home, taking advantage of the abundant equipment now available; home gyms will be a trend for fitness conscious. Home gyms shall include good and expensive treadmills and bikes the most along with weights and basic dumbbell sets. The new in-trend is exercise band which makes strength training upgrade while using no equipment.


  1.        Fitness Education and Knowledge Sharing

Fitness knowledge will become the key to healthy life for normal people in the coming years. By 2021, people have realized that there is no other alternative other than knowing more and knowing well about their body and practice good habits. So, in the year 2022, people will willingly get educated on nutrition and exercises at home.


  1.        Strength Training with Free Weights

Free weights, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and medicine ball classes will become popular as they can be used at home set-up. Instructors will help people get acquainted to weights starting with less and moving onto increase resistance with heavier weights later. The focus will be on the correct form while new exercises will be added periodically.


  1.        Exercise for Weight Loss

Because of isolation, quarantine and stay-at-home circumstances due to Covid-19 variants, weight gain cannot be escaped. Limited movement will make it difficult for people to maintain a healthy weight. Hence, exercise and nutrition for weight loss will keep ruling the health goal list in 2022 as well.


  1.        Body Weight Training

Since these programs are meant to be exercised without weight, this will help people use their bodyweight to train their muscles for better stamina, build strength and agility at home or from anywhere.


  1.        Personal Training

Personal training will be in-trend mostly in online sessions because of imposed restrictions due to Covid-19. All the clients who have been regular gym-goers will switch to personal training classes online.


  1.        Online Live and On-demand Exercise Classes

One of the big changes within the health and fitness industry resulting from Covid-19 pandemic was the temporary closure of clubs around the world forcing innovative delivery of classes.


  1.        Health/Wellness Coaching

This trend integrates behavioral science into health promotion and lifestyle medicine programs. This includes one on one and sometimes, small groups approach with the coach providing support, goal-setting, guidance and encouragement.


  1.        Wearable Technology

This includes fitness trackers, smart watches, heart rate monitors and GPS tracking devices. Wearable technology has been estimated to be about a $100 billion industry. New innovations include blood pressure, oxygen saturation and electrocardiogram.


  1.    Mind over Body

Mental health will be as important as physical health and it will be seen as the first parameter to be looked after before beginning with a lifestyle change program. Practices like yoga and meditation are here to stay and progress further as part of life. 

Everything You Need to Know About Fitness Training Certifications Courses?

  Certifications are short-term courses in any field to improve or add on skills to improve knowledge.  Fitness training certification  help...